HEY, Whats up everyone! I know its been a while, but I've been VERY busy and a few set backs (concerning my web site) but I knew I needed to send an update so that I wasn't forgotten!! I've been having fun when and wherever I can. My site should finally be set and ready to go VERY shortly. I have some flicks and a ton of pics to show off, so I sent a few here for your enjoyment! Many of you have written me in the past about the site/video info, and I have most of your e-mails written down so any one that would like me to contact them when I'm ready please feal free to write me and let me know what you think! Thanx again to all you hot men sending me the short scenario stories/fantasies with me involved!!! Some have gotten me soo HOT I had to get myself off reading them!! Keep them coming (the nastier and hotter the better!..LOL), or any comments. Well I've taken up enough space writing so enjoy the pics! Kisses, SURREAL