Well, thanks to the Cavern, we were able to meet up with Lethal9x5. It was a most memorable night. It started out with a nice dinner. Then we proceeded to a very nice house party.

After a little bit of socializing, "J" and Lethal decided to get to "know" one another better :) and as how it occurs with most white women that have gone black, "J" didn't waste any time telling Lethal all her wants and desires.

As they were exploring each others special spots, I managed to get a couple of pics in but shortly after that I left them alone for some quality time.

Later when we all rejoined the party going on downstairs, Lethal definitely became the rave of all the women there. I wish that I could have gotten a pic of that action too. But maybe next time.

"J" would like to say thanks Coco for having such a wonderful site that allows people like us to meet up!

We would like to extend an invite to all those truly available to meet up in the 505. Please respond with all that was mentioned in our ad. It's located in the New Mexico section.
